Being a Benefit Corporation means doing business and, at the same time, actively contributing to improving society, starting from within the company, i.e. with our most important stakeholders.

It was on the basis of this premise that the Way2Global corporate welfare system was born.

In fact, at Way2Global we believe that the success of a company depends on the happiness of its employees and for this reason we decided to make this common goal the focal point of our corporate mission.

As pioneers of sustainable innovation, we wanted to develop our corporate culture, our Mission and our business plan on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, focusing in particular on the following SDGs:

  • SDG8 Decent work and economic growth;
  • SDG10 Reduced inequalities;
  • SDG5 Gender equality.

In fact, it is in order to protect and promote the wellbeing of our employees and collaborators that we have always been committed to experimenting and defining the new frontier of corporate welfare through the design and implementation of a major system of policies and innovative measures codified in our supplementary second level agreement.

More specifically, our corporate welfare system is based on the following pillars.

  • Work-Life Balance. Because of the company’s strong female dimension, we have always placed the work-life balance at the centre of our governance process. Time-saving services, baby bonuses, extended parental leave, family-friendly recreational spaces, as well as the inclusion of optional maternity leave in the calculation of productivity bonuses for all departments, are just a few examples of the measures we have implemented.
  • Hourly and organisational flexibility. Flexibility is the other cornerstone of Way2Global. Employees and collaborators are trusted to manage both their time and their workplaces as they see fit. Already adopted in the pre-Covid era, telecommuting is the most common and popular work arrangement among our employees and is therefore a structural feature of our organisational model. In addition to distance working, as pioneers of innovation we have recently experimented with the new organisational method of slow working, which reduces expectations and demands on new mothers returning from maternity leave, and of South working, with the remote hiring and training of staff and the possibility of working from locations geographically remote from the company headquarters.
  • Health and wellness. In order to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our employees, Way2Global has an in-house gym with a full programme of free fitness activities during working hours (yoga, super jump, cross-fit, pilates). The company also has a medical clinic with health services and treatments such as postural physiotherapy, kinesio therapy and acupuncture. In the post-Covid era these services have been made available online where possible.
  • Equal opportunities. Gender equality and female empowerment are pillars of our female start-up and benefit corporation governance. Way2Global has a special Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Policy to ensure gender parity in the area of recruitment but also remuneration and career advancement. In order to systematically improve over time we also monitor our targets and results in this area through specific KPI integrated in the business plan which measure, for example, the percentage of women in top management or STEM positions.

Permanent training

One of the key cornerstones of Way2Global’s corporate welfare is permanent training.

Investments in the training of our employees and collaborators fulfil two needs: maintaining the high quality of our services and promoting the growth of our human capital.

Staff recruitment policies are based on ISO-certified processes to ensure that everyone, from mother-tongue translators through to editors, Project Managers and Desktop Publishers, have the necessary high levels of experience and expertise.

Once they have joined our team and after a period of training under the mentorship of senior staff, Way2Global employees and collaborators embark on customised ongoing training paths aimed at guaranteeing their individual growth and the quality of their work.

It is the continuous training, the motivation to grow – both professionally and personally – and the high level of specialisation of our resources that allow us to respond in the best possible way to all translation and interpreting requests.


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